Getting restless at work, itching to leave without any future plans
I started this new role 7 months back, was full power working long hours, putting my 110%, and was rewarded with, ofcourse more work! So I slacked a little, and little by little slacking got bit more. I'm still putting the hours, but my mind and heart are not there. Whatever I do, I want to finish asap fuck quality Coz anyway you end up hearing 'you are not top of your game', 'this is not working' blah blah
I'm so detached, that I thought would ask for a short break (my boss is big on mental health) But I realised, once they live without me, they'll know how to live without me. I may not have a job when I come back from short break.
I discussed this with my family, they aren't in support (middle class gets skeptical too - "Why do you want to stop the cash coming in")
Have faced similar situations in previous companies too - I get bored, want to quit, then the phase tides over, and I'm back to being comfortable
Am I trying escape or is it that I am stopping myself from taking a bigger leap?