I'm a backend engineer with 6+ YoE.
I have never had interest in solving DSA problems. I started off as being very bad at it- I did understand the technical details behind various data structures and algorithms, but never had that passion about applying it to various leetcode problems. Over time, I have got better with DSA, but I still can't say I am at a great level- I still often struggle with Leetcode-medium problems.
I am confident of being a decent engineer- with a nice mix of tech and soft skills and an interest in building things. I also have some aspiration of joining a Faang company (or other such top-level company); but I feel overwhelmed at how "good" it requires you to be in DSA.
So, I wish to know- how good do I need to be at DSA before I can realistically apply at such companies, given my YoE. And, how may I possibly gauge how far away I still am from that "required level"?