
Lost motivation to work

Everyday i wake up with no motivation to work. Spend most of my day trying to gather any will i have to get something done and just wait for the evening standup. After which i have no energy to do anything since all was lost trying to ( not necessarily doing ) work. Can anyone relate? Or gone through it? How do you even fix it?

PS: don't suggest grass is greener on other side and how there are jobless people in the world...

11mo ago
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I think this is called depression and burnout. Or one of those.

Take time off. Chill. Party.


Not the best advice. Partying seems like just delaying to deal with the underlying problem. I think what's missing is fulfillment. So, my 2 cents, would to be try everything under the sun. From learning a language, to solving Rubik cube, to learning a musical instrument or join a pottery / cooking class. Go for cycling. Hit the gym. Basically, do something besides work. And then if you still feel the same, go to a psychiatrist.


Therapy and starting your day with spending sometime in the nature.

I've gone through this phase and completely understand what you're going through.

It does get better just gotta switch a few things up


I can say you are not enjoying your work. Find out your passion. Join a startup building a product from scratch, see it get actual customers from nothing. This is my version of enjoyment in work. Yours might be different, find it out.


Same bhai same


You are clearly not enjoying what you are doing or there is some other issue.

You need to take a break to assess if you are in the right role.

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