
Need urgent help.

I'm 21 m. Had a 9 months old relationship with a girl who's 6 months older. It was the best 9 months of my life. We connected on so many levels that I never thought would happen with me at such a young age. Recently, she broke up with me. It was not our mistake. Her mother isn't well (from a long time, and I knew that) and her last wish is to see her daughter getting married. Forcefully, she had to admit this and told me everything. And told me that we need to end this. It's been 3 weeks, and there's minimal contact between us. I'm a final year college student, not getting placements, too much pressure from family. I can't think about anything. Feels like all of this is eating me up. We had very secure future plans, but everything is over now. I don't know what to do. I try very hard to stay on track, but her thoughts are eating me up. I've started meditation, therapy and everything, but nothing is working the way I thought it would do. She was the one that gave me assurance that everything will be fine. Her presence was the most peaceful thing I had, but now, there's nothing. Help me, please. PS: please don't judge me the way I am. I'm trying to be normal as much as possible but nothing's working.




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by Deadpool93


Worst times for men! Better to be a monster than a hero

I am a 30 M , got married in 2020 and clearly the marriage was not working out. My wife and her mother was always finding ways to control me from the beginning with all the little things and my wife started this drama like with every fight she used to leave the house and stay at her mother’s and not comeback until all the parents gets involved and me asking sorry, one time she left the house because I cooked the curry and had asked her to do roti this turned into a fight and just for that she left the house. And her mother threatened me that she won’t send her daughter back until I ask sorry. There were LOT of these instances and at one point I really got fed up and started standing up for myself, in the last fight she said she won’t come back again and I said please don’t I am also tired of this. After a month she started reaching out to me asking sorry and apologies and all but I had lost all trust in the relationship and I wanted sometime. Even if I let her in her mother would have ruined the relationship again , so I asked her since I have no trust you have to agree on that in future if we get divorced if we have kids the kids stay with me and I won’t pay any alimony. Following this discussion she lodged a fake domestic violence and dowry case against me and my family. And I filed for divorce after I seeing police station and all. I have all the evidence to prove that I am innocent but the court is taking very very long time and now she is asking for for a huge amount only the she will agree for divorce 😣


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by Not_Infosys


She left me.

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by Gymrat


Finding your behalf

I've been of the opinion that I don't want to marry and will enjoy life single. Turned 28 this year and for some reasons, my thoughts and perceptions changed and decided to give it a shot. Installed a matrimony app and didn't find much things happening there until I found a girl whom I thought I would give a try. I requested a match which got accepted very soon. Fast forward, it's been 2 months since we whastapped each other. The only thing bothering me is that she's working in audit and says that she's too busy for texts, calls etc. And over the course of this 2 months period, we only managed to call each other thrice(including 1 video call). I had asked her to atleast try to call me but she's too busy/ not feeling well/ tired etc. I really had feelings for her initially, but even after multiple attempts, she still keeps me waiting, I feel I'm slowly losing it and have reached a stage where i don't feel anything. What should I do? P.S. we live in different time zones with a difference of 1.5 hours and by the time I'm back from gym, it'll be 11-11:30 pm her side. I try to have food and everything very quickly and make time for her everyday, only to be disappointed most days. And most of her texts are scattered, with time gaps ranging from 10-16 hours at times. She tells me she's too exhausted and has no energy for anything but I am cent percent sure that she is using phone for insta, twitter etc even when my chats are waiting.