
Why/When Tuitions went from Taboo to Essential?

During our parents generation, Tuitions were viewed as a Taboo. It was perceived that only the academically weak needed Tuitions.

However all of these changed quickly where we see majority of our generation opting for coaching from Class 8. For today's GenZ, it's a matter of pride if someone gets enrolled in prominent coaching institutes for JEE, AIIMS, CA, UPSC etc.

What do you guys think was the social drivers for such change in attitudes? What age did you first opt for Tuition and why do you think your parents accepted tuitions for you?

12mo ago

I'll share mine

I had cruised through school without tuitions, and was so proud. When I had to take one for Maths in class 10th, I was really ashamed of myself! Though I did score a 95/100 (lost that 5 coz of my over-smartness, explicitly remember the question even now)

Honestly I would have done a fine job without them too, but my parents didn’t wanna risk the board year


Was going for tuitions common in your school?

Interestingly, the toppers even in my school had joined some coaching. And there were many instances where we cud see some of my friends scoring higher than ever before. They used to openly say that the questions were prepped in their tuitions. So the stigma for joining went on reducing.


Tuitions were common but for certain sections of students, who barely managed to scrape through. I guess thats where the bias started


Guess most of the aspirational parents send their child from a very young age to tuitions since they think the child actually learns better in tuitions. Now the FOMO wave has also kicked in where they see that the toppers are going to a certain tuition teacher hence they think that is the magic formula which their child is lacking to top the exam.


Today it is different case altogether, new parents don't want their kids to fail. I have had cousins who have been in tuitions since nursery. I mean, if the school cannot teach a basic alphabet, the problem will not be solved through any extra classes.


Aspirational parents are themselves high achievers and would not want to spend their time nagging their kids for Homework and assignments. Plus if there are better teachers who can make the subject exciting, why not?

Also, better if your kid hangs out with more kids his age and pick up more social skills.


Every parents would have a specific reason. But for me, it was working mom.

Initially till class 6th, my parents did have that perception of tuitions being something only for weak students. My parents and extended family oversaw my daily homework and help me study roughly a week before exams. But around class 6th, it was hard for them to do it with both me and my sibling. Their work hours got longer too.

With science and math at class 7th was not easy for them to teach up xylem, phloem, chlorophyll etc. English was another barrier as they both had studied in vernacular languages. Eventually, my marks in exams were on the extremes, scored well on the subjects they taught well but fucked up elsewhere.

Eventually, I was started for Math & Science "co-curricular" for competitive exams, but then I was enrolled for languages tuitions (all 4 required coaching, even my mother tongue) in my neighbourhood especially as these subjects weren't scoring and brought the average down.


I do see what they must have gone through, I'm just a decade from school and don't remember most of it, and for sure cannot teach anyone younger.


Yes. I think they still wud ve sustained longer teaching us if they had educated from English medium. But after 11th, I took science stream and then college attendance isn't mandatory, so coaching becomes essential.


I think the rise of coaching institutes which spend heavily on marketing is the main cause for this. They create a FOMO in the minds of parents.

I remember when I completed my eighth grade there was a salesman from Narayana coming home saying if I don't start my IIT preparation. I won't be able to crack which created a doubt in my parents mind.

Then there is the comparison factor if someone from a friends group joins the institute then even we tend to join again FOMO kicks in.


this has not FOMO, but fact. A single exam can change the life, not just the individuals but generational. The brand name of the college not only is important for the first job but for ones marriage as well. Especially if you are a man.

With the reservations and everything, nobody w ants to leave it to chance. Education/entrance exams are individual's Olympic moment.


More than FOMO it was trying to better their chances in clearing those exams.

Plus, our generation was boxed into believing 3 professions of engineering, medical and law. So to get there, one had to put in all effort (and money)

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