
Rant: Some of ya'll in this community just really hate women

I understand that most of the tech community is men, and probably in this community as well. But some of y'all just make me lose hope, in seeing how pathetic your thought processes are. Women don't need to work cause India's GDP doesn't demand so? Excuse me? Have you heard of financial independence. Some of us want that. The next thing is diversity hiring. Diversity hiring is needed because of regressive thought processes like these that discourage and inhibit the progress of women in the workplace. Women in general, have to go through a lot more in comparison to men in life. Consider an example: You are a guy going to university, you mom does everything for you, you have enough time to study and do everything you want, go out with friends. Now another girl in your class might be expected to do housework, along with studies. If she doesn't score well she is threatened to be married off. As a result she only has so much time to study and not do extra curricular activities, while the guy can do all of that just because of the privilege of being male. This is why the bar of entry is lowered, so that women who are struggling in life, fighting their way through these odds can progess in life. Even if women who don't have these situations benefit, even if it benefits one person, makes their life better. How does it even bother you? Instead you want to make thier lives hell by shitting on them as diversity hire. Please learn empathy. Learn to respect and understand the struggles of others, regardless of their gender. Also acknowledge that as a male you have more privileges than women, because we are in a patriarchal society, which is why women need a helping hand sometimes.




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by FreshRaita


Things women said that will change the way you look at things around you

- It's hard being the only woman in the leadership, in a room full of older men. If you don't hang out with them, you are excluded. If you do hang out with them, you got to get you act right with nods and smiles along the small talk. If If If If.. thats the loop you are caught in. - Imagine being the only female developer in the team. BRO code is the default setting. DEV code took a sabbatical. All of you go hang out with beer, smoke and whatever and what if I am not into that? I am not a so called BRO then. And dont even get me started on the casual jokes and me not being into gaming and TT. Go ahead ask me.. How does she even fit in then.. Right?? - Declare I’m taking a "Wellness" Day. Might as well hold a flag and say "Guess who's on her period?! ME ME ME!" So much for your policies - I can’t even begin to count the number of times I’ve been interrupted, spoken over.. - Dress too casually, you're not taken seriously. Dress too nicely, you're trying too hard. I've been judged for my clothes more times than I can count - too much, too little, too fashionable - yep been called that too. It’s exhausting - I think my presence is acknowledged only when it’s convenient for them. My opinions and insights are ignored until they need a female face to tick a diversity box - I’ve stayed late and worked weekends just to prove I’m just as dedicated as the others (even when I was doing next weeks work) - Finding a mentor who truly understands the challenges I face as a woman in tech is nearly impossible. Male mentors often don’t get it, and female mentors are spread too thin - I was told to speak up but when I did, I was labeled aggressive. I'm expected to be assertive but not too assertive, confident but not too confident. Also if I am progressing too fast, I have someone special rooting for me for something special in return - that the peoples verdict. And then the gossip starts. A large majority of Orgs, Founders, Leaders, HR are getting by doing the bare minimum.


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by ObedientCoin


From IIT to IIM to Forbes 30U30 to Burnout: My Hustle Culture Nightmare

29F, IIT & IIM grad. Thought I had it all figured out. Boy, was I wrong. Post-grad, I went full-on hustle mode. Guru worship 24/7. Gary Vee, desi "entrepreneurs" on Insta - you name it, I followed. Their mantra? Work 20hrs, sleep 4, crush life. Sounded legit to my overachiever brain. My life became a freakin' checklist: - 5AM wake-up: Check - Cold shower: Check - Meditation: Check - 12hr workday on my "revolutionary" startup: Check - Networking events instead of family time: Check - Endless online courses: Check Rinse and repeat. Every. Single. Day. Guilt was my constant companion. Watching a movie? Slacker. Attending a cousin's wedding? Waste of time. Celebrating Diwali? Think of all the work you could be doing! The kicker? Being a woman in tech. Felt like I had to hustle 10x harder just to be taken seriously. Result after 3 years of this madness? - Forbes 30U30 Asia: Check - Failed startup: Check - Nonexistent social life: Check - Chronic anxiety: Check Guess what: All that hustling led to jack shit. Now, at 29, I'm unlearning this toxic BS. Realizing success isn't about IIT tags, funding rounds, or how little you sleep. It's about actually living. To all the desi kids killing themselves over JEE ranks and CAT scores: STOP. Your life is worth more than a percentile. Success without happiness is worthless. Don't waste your 20s like I did, chasing someone else's definition of success. Anyone else been through this hustle culture hellscape? How'd you break free?


Indian IT on

by GoldenApron


My Experience as Fresher with Workplace Harassment and Forced Resignation at Accenture

I want to share my experience as a fresher at Accenture, my first company from a college placement. The first six months were fine, but then I faced severe mental harassment from my supervisor and manager. She constantly criticized my work and gave negative feedback, causing me immense stress. I often skipped meals and worked weekends to improve, but nothing helped. Despite reporting the issue and requesting a supervisor change or a different track, my requests were ignored. The harassment worsened, affecting my physical health, and I couldn't eat or sleep properly. My manager controlled trivial aspects like where to sit and whom to talk to, making the situation unbearable. I was even forced to switch from a developer role to a tester, despite being trained as a developer. The final straw was being placed on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) without a clear reason, with the same harassing individuals assessing me. I only had 1.9 years of experience then. I reported the mental harassment to HR and resigned due to deteriorating health, panic attacks, and weight loss. Despite having no other job offer, I couldn't continue. Even during my notice period, I was forced to complete PIP assignments, which led to suicidal thoughts and further health issues. Now, I am jobless, feeling helpless and frustrated. With less than 2 of experience, I struggle to find offers in a down IT market and don't know what to do next.


Office Gossip on

by BiryaniEnthu


[Long post] Pay Parity - and it isn't just about the pay

This post references and continues the discussion on Rafael Nadal's comment about women getting paid more in fashion. As someone with 50% of their career in fashion, I can say it's not just modeling (that's the image people have). There are many industries within fashion – e-commerce, manufacturing, modeling, boutiques, etc Fashion is labor-intensive, so competition drives down pay. Yes, there are more women in fashion, not necessarily earning more. It's a loop – more women want to work where other women are, even if the money is less. There's a sense of security and comfort. A huge part of fashion works in manufacturing, you know, the clothes we wear. So many women work at the junior level, running around the factory floors getting things done. They are paid 10-15k a month. The men are paid about 20-25k starting salary. I had 3 girls and 1 boy in my team; they managed on-ground ops for different brands. But when there's night overtime in the factory, who stays late to oversee the work? The boy! And who got the orders out "working overtime" on these brands – the boy! Who deserves a raise – obviously the boy! Lack of appreciation in words and money, physically draining work (more stories there), fewer promotions, and male-dominated labor that doesn't want to "listen to women," combined with family pressure to get married - all these lead women to drop out of the workforce. Even if you want to talk only about modeling, women models get paid more than male models. There's a reason here – who do you remember watching on FTV during childhood? How many of you took the risk of putting FTV on to watch male models? Women are paid more because they sell more. Also, the models are just one, just one part of the fashion show. There's an entire team of underpaid people running around, fixing things last minute, ensuring the show is a success. Huge brands like Sabyasachi and Manish Malhotra pay 25-30k to NIFT Fashion Design grads, even in Mumbai.