
Are you happy with your marriage?

I am a 26/M/60+LPA/IITian Software Engineer at a FAANG. I have spent most of my time travelling places with my friends/solo and have dedicated a significant portion of my small life to my career, and I am quite happy with it. I am confused about one thing tho, should I get married? given I am happy living like this, I just want to hear what men have to say on this, I want to know given a chance would you guys get married? If yes how to check if a woman is a fine fit for you? I made a rule to only date a woman who makes at least 70% of my salary OR has an excellent academic background AND should be humble. With these set of rules the chances of finding a girl is almost slim to none given ratio at good colleges and at high paying tech jobs are like that 🤧, I am sure people won't find these rules good, but I want to know if I am being stupid pls correct me it will help me reshape my thinking.

Help me guys 🫡.

10mo ago

I am a 25 year old female making 80+LPA. My boy friend, 29 who I am marrying this year earns 25 LPA. One should not think about how much their partner is earning, rather maturity, growth mindset, compatibility, mutual respect, alignment in principles and future plans, the partners ability to adapt and work together during tough times and disagreements is more important. At the end of the day having money but no peaceful and happy life is not where you would want to end up.


Nah u r just flexing at this point xD


👑 you dropped this queen


at least 70% of my salary OR has an excellent academic background

I'm glad you didn't say "Only candidates from IIT/IIM can apply for this position".




Many times, it would be a big no for IIT/NIT girls atleast.

Skewed ratio in these colleges have messed up their mind. Men find happiness elsewhere but generally not there😅


I might receive a lot of criticism for this, but honestly, from a woman's perspective, you are setting the wrong rule. If you are looking for a girl who makes at least 70% of your salary, then in my knowledge, all those girls are already looking for a guy who is earning at least 2x her salary. And for her, there are still going to be many options. You might need to reconsider this filter of yours. 🫠


And from a guy's perspective - hey, you're pointing out the right problem with your statement. However you're not stating the solution.

I can assume a few

  1. Get hotter so the guy will fall in the niche bunch for the girl (easier said than done).
  2. Lower your expectations. Don't bring money into the equation. Bring intellect, but not money.
  3. Stay single

For guys, option 3 is the easiest choice.


Don't be so attached to your money and success. It can fall off any given day. Don't be so technical about finding a partner, life doesn't work that way. Just find someone whose company you can enjoy. Find someone who is adjusting and kind-hearted. 15 years from now, you will be need someone you can come home to, and nobody wants to come home to a fucking jerk.

Go easy, find someone who is good hearted, baaki sab chutiyapps hai. All this 70% and 20% won't amount to much in a few years in your life.


Heavy agree.


True that


I would suggest removing the salary bar and academic background,
You are already 0.1 % in male salary holders.Even Asking for a girl who makes 70% of your salary is next impossible.
Assuming you are going to marry someone who is less than your age,then she should be a fresher or someone with less than 4 years of experience.
Open up Glassdoor and do your analysis.

I am sorry to say this if you set too many conditions on finding someone you will end up single for the rest of your life.

Look for maturity in a person who wants to get married to you.
Also I would suggest you lie about you salary as well( lower your salary) or else you will attract too many gold diggers.

Here is my story:
I revealed my salary to my parents.My parents started flexing my salary with relatives and friends (of course they 1.5x my salary)
I started getting marriage invitations out of nowhere.
I talked to my parents, Now i don't reveal how much I make to them.(Only my brother and a few of my close friends know how I actually make)
Of course I take care of parents,pay internet,hospital bills etc.

Yes marriage is essential part of life,You decide when you should get married as long as you marry someone who is mature and hardworking.
It doesn't really matter how much they make be it 2LPA or 1Cr they will succeed in life and be a better companion for you.

Good luck 🤞


Great advice about salary


great advice


To test your hypothesis

70% of 60 = 42 LPA Tier 1 grad Younger or equal to 26 yo Single and never married

Your marriage if not diminished has shrunk to very limited options.

Let's assume, if you do find one who fits the bill, why would she choose you?
Two switches and she is earning more than your package
What is that you bring to the table?


True, itne kam options mein personally baat kro lo jaakr 😂


Gonna make out with money ? What if she says at least 70% of the baby you need to deliver or maybe 70% of the any kind of household work should be done by you


Are you Modiji or Meloni?


One soul as theirs 😂


Honest advice.... Bhai jo ladki mummy pasand kar ke de, wahi best hai 😜😜 kyuki tu handle nahi kar payega "70%" waliyon ke expectation (chonchle) ko.. 😅😅


ye badiya tha guru 😂


Marriage is overrated.


Being a 26 Male is quite young to get married. Explore all kind of possibilities. Utmost thing in the marriage is your values towards life, Compatibility with each other, love and respect. If these aren't present in a marriage then that isn't a true marriage but a contract or divorce later on.
Coming to your question

  1. You're not being stupid, you have a vision I believe so stick to it until life experiences change your criteria.
  2. If a woman is fit for you, your intuition will tell you. Listen to that.
  3. Be single don't rush to marriage until you're very sure about it, again your intuition will play a vital role to discover that readiness.
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