
Define ideal workplace features for you...

I am talking about private workplace so kindly describe the features you'd like in your workplace. Not like the gormint job where you get paychecks by just making fieldtrips to the office everyday.

Think of it this way. How would you like your current company to change something? Be practical.

Like for example, I would like if a company had:

  1. Open office hours like arrival at office from anywhere between 8am to 11am, and complete your 8 hours and then go home.

  2. Wfh if it's not some must visit office job like civil engineers in construction, or quality testing in a manufacturing company, still there should be something equivalently good enough for them to make up for not being able to do wfh.

  3. Game room where there are multiple games like ping pong, foosball table, table tennis, dart game with target on wall and there is a picture of squinted murthy on dart game's target to aim.

17d ago3.4K views
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