I am feeling with anxiety disorder and has overthinking. And I think its eating up my life.
Insecurities in my job:
I know that i am very average in my career and not confident if i will get a job if i loses my current one. I had faced severe salary issue (almost 5 month salary delay) and have seen how people get fired in my present company. I know that job insecurity issue same for anyone working in IT, btw i work as a dev in Bangalore. I am preparing technically with what much I can and i am having a feeling that I am not reaching anywhere.
I am in the process of building an emergency fund.I work as a front end dev and thinking about the next 5 years, i am clueless if i will have a job or not.
Insecurities of not having money:
I dont have money. I dont have much savings. I am 31. Many of my friends are married and many have kids. The thought of marriage scares me as all my saving till now will be gone. I am not talking about a big fat wedding but a very minimal one.
I know that all these issues are faced almost every salaried indian but my anxiety sucks every inch of my life.
I now never feels that i am living. Life feels like a surgical strike.
There is another reason for that. I had done my bachelors and masters from one of the best colleges in india but failed to get a job. I failed at cracking govt jobs as well. So i have this thought of failing again. For this, i plan a lot, a lot means a lot
Poor or zero social life:
I dont have much friends and many calls me only when they need something from me. I doesnt feel connected to the social. Instagram fuels the feeling of not moving with the crowd. I have now uninstalled that.
Sometimes, i feel so suffocated with life. Many times , i am scared of life.
This is also due to the trauma during my childhood where i lost my mother when i was 10 due to cancer. My parents were professionally really good, but i saw them struggling financially when my mom was ill. I have grown seeing my family shattered by that single event and i am still scared if that would happen again.
If you ask me why i am writing here, I am just LETTING OUT