
How do you bounce back from fitness breaks?

I had been working out on and off since covid and was not able to maintain consistency (used to workout at home regularly for a couple of years before covid). So I started going to cult a month back to be consistent and developed some good habits like 10k+ steps everyday, balanced meals and 5 days a week workout etc. Now, I didn't go for a workout for the last 4 days, and I started getting food cravings and I am not able to maintain the steps as well. What's the solution here? I feel just working out keeps me centred in terms of other habits as well, but how do you all manage workout breaks and maintain healthy habits during non-workout days?

10mo ago

You do it until it’s a habit and not doing makes u feel odd. It’s totally upto ur discipline to get there or someone else pushing u consistently for it.


Thanks @FunnyBones. I also read this somewhere as well, that motivation doesn't take you further much, habits and discipline does, when it comes to fitness.
It's been a month for me, so I was pretty good but now I need to change my timings to evenings and I am worried that I won't be able to do it consistently.
Going first thing in the morning was best, but I can't do it anymore.


Following this, I had a break (longer than 4 days) and now motivation is losing

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