Wfo really worth it in Bangalore??
I travel for 2:30 hours from home to ofc and again 2:30 hours back home, so 5 hours travel and only visit ofc for attendance purpose so I sit in ofc only for two hours. Is it really worth visiting ofc ?
Does this bother you that you will not meet your parents enough?
Let's say your parents are around 55 years old and will live till 80. If we consider you will go to your months 4 times in a year and let's say each time you are going for 10 days, which means 40 days in a year and 1000 days in total. Less than 3 years and.
I am not even considering that when you visit them, you will still have work as mostly you will take wfh and not leave.
Does this fact bother you that you will not be able to spend much time with them?
Thats the way of life. We have to learn to be more independent, while time with parents is great but thats not the only thing in life I feel. Real growth and personality improvement happens only when we move out. We sometimes give too much importance to parents in Indian context, i.e. only if one is living with them, they are caring and love them. Even parents should encourage kids to step out and prepare for a life without them, they won’t be here forever.
Yeah, makes sense.
Living away from/with them, both have their pros/cons.
I travel for 2:30 hours from home to ofc and again 2:30 hours back home, so 5 hours travel and only visit ofc for attendance purpose so I sit in ofc only for two hours. Is it really worth visiting ofc ?
I was in a remote job from 2020, until last year where I was laid off in November. Then when I started searching for new companies my priority was to work on site, but again I got a remote job. My problem is living in the house 24*7 make...
I can speak for this. From 2014 to 2020 I worked in office before covid. Remote work wasn't a norm. Despite being an ...
I work in remote based startup of Bangalore. And I live with my wife and infant in some tier 2 City. And my parents live in my hometown. I don't want to shift to my hometown as it doesn't have basic facilities available and I don't like ...