Lobbying is the way right now !!!!!
Despite having labour unions India's still not a labour friendly country. I am of the strong opinion that in order to get change and support from government and legislature, we also need to go the Crony business men way. Buy up politicians and threaten with votes.
Do you think a financially powerful lobbying group needs to be created with both financial and muscle power ???
Seen and distressed by a lot many incidents like Anna Sebastian Death due to EY, Surabh Laddha Death due to McKinsey and RG Kar (Though not a corporate worker but a doctor in same inhuman conditions)
Wonder what the actual fu*k these labour organisations are doing. On ground nothing seems to change.

No one even wants to pay taxes, you think people will put up money for a lobby?

Isn't that the reason why we are lagging behind in getting our rights ??? .
The whole point of this idea is to make leaders feel important of us. 90% Indians fail to accept that politicians cater to their main vote banks only. When a tiny minority can control the government with money power and muscle power. Arent employees and middle class supposed to go the same way ???
Not having unity among us makes these incidents normalised in our discourse.

Lobbying is just a fancy term for bribing to get something done. Employees can't come together and cough up more money than corporates. So it won't work. For any social change to happen, the Rich and the elite of the society need to fight for it. People who have enough money/earned sufficiently enough should walk away from jobs. Normalize a relaxed life. The Instagram life mode is the reason people are working like crazy. Stop that, the whole corporate Charade will fall thru. You whip a horse, the horse gallops. you whip a donkey, it doesn't care. Thats why donkeys don't get whipped. Become the donkey.

Lobby is not happening because people are poor