Waking up in morning
Thought it was clichéd and parents rant but it is actually worth
Everyone wakes up in the morning 😪
I have heard everyone say this but got I am not at all productive in morning. Even if I'm not sleepy I just don't have the concentration to be productive. Even in school and college days I've tried to make this habit. At some point even if I'm waking up at 7 without alarm. Still 0 productivity
Reading without counting number of pages. Walking without counting number of steps.
Showing up everyday
Taking out time for my hobbies.
I don’t think any small habit can change my life now 😉. However, IMO, there are the following three things in the order of priority for me or for anyone for that matter.
Think about MONEY early in your life, start saving from your first pay check.
Put all your emotions in check (especially sex and anger)
Your body is your biggest investment, learn nutrition and make your physical/ mental health a priority.
Meditate for 15 mins
Consistency with focused daily routine
Go for a walk, plug-in earphones and listen to some podcast of your choice, that's really a good start for the day
I prefer to go for walking-jogging early morning without any phone/Smartwatch, hearing footsteps, birds chirping and staying in present. :)
Can't do it these days here in Gurgaon 😂

Going to the gym. Very underrated life lack, I’m less depressed that I was a couple of years back, reversed at least ...

Saying YOLO or IT IS WHAT IT IS. I was going to make bad decisions anyway, but at least this way I will have peace.

Understanding others perspective before jumping to any conclusion. Underrated statement but simplifies most of ...

Checking my phone 100s of times a day

Overthinking 😭 it’s messes up my mind n day

fear of failure + perfectionism