Waking up in morning Thought it was clichéd and parents rant but it is actually worth

Reading without counting number of pages. Walking without counting number of steps.

Cooking at hom, avoid eating outside 95% of times
Living alone, thus freeing me from dealing with daily drama created by family or SO or roommates/flatmates. Nothing beats the mental peace of solitude 🙏🏼
Preparing my bed, before and after sleep
Deferred caffeine to 60 mins from wake up time. Changed a lot of things for good
Not taking phone to the restroom. All of a sudden I have some additional time
Waking up in morning Thought it was clichéd and parents rant but it is actually worth
Reading without counting number of pages. Walking without counting number of steps.
Cooking at hom, avoid eating outside 95% of times
There's no 1 answer to it. It cannot be solved in an instant. I attend therapy to deal with issues in my life. I find...
Going to the gym. Very underrated life lack, I’m less depressed that I was a couple of years back, reversed at least ...
Saying YOLO or IT IS WHAT IT IS. I was going to make bad decisions anyway, but at least this way I will have peace.
Understanding others perspective before jumping to any conclusion. Underrated statement but simplifies most of ...
For years, I was a night owl who struggled with mornings and felt constantly exhausted. On a whim, I decided to try becoming an early riser. The first few weeks were brutal - I felt like a zombie and nearly gave up multiple times. But I ...