
Why do Indian companies have fuck all leave policies?

I was raised abroad and I always thought there’s something called annual leaves where you take PTO for a month apart from your sick / casual leaves. However I started working in India and damn when TF do people have time to do things apart from coming to office and getting burnt out?

22mo ago

Cos we have more people who are willing to work for these policies than we have available jobs... Demand supply


Yeah. Unfortunately we’re to blame in a way for this too I guess. Due to our fucked up population size were in condition to make demands to improve all this I guess.

If not you someone else will take it up for an even less lucrative offer.


It's about choice... You have the option to choose not to go with the flow and put your foot down. And take the consequences... Or make yourself so good at your job that companies agree... I've known both types


One of the reasons I don’t like India.

(calm down trolls it’ll make sense)

We have adopted this slave mentality or cheap labor mentality where we do so much for the bare minimum and we let the ones on top get away with it.

Some might say we can’t do anything cause some people don’t have a choice. We do have a choice. Might be hard and we might lose on the short run but things have got to change.

Right from your barbaric notice periods to the policies that don’t let you have a WLB.


Not everyone has the comfort of rejecting an offer just because they don't like the terms. Harsh reality my friend.


Yeah I get what you mean. However the change has to start from somewhere right ?

Unfortunately it’s become a standard for organisations to follow this system that we can’t even leave one and go to another which offers this.


I have 45 days earned leave and 40 days sick leave carried over from the previous years.

Entirely depends on the company.


They should make this a standard as part of Labor Laws or something that an employee is entitled to a PTO of 30 days apart from their casual leaves or earned leaves etc…

Would really reduce the burnout and improve the productivity imo as right now we’re nothing more than daily wage labourers sitting behind computers in AC rooms.


I work in India and we have a super chill leave policy. Can take tons of PTO along with a decent number of sick leaves. Don’t need managers approval either, just need to inform your team.

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