
Can someone explain me the economics of this?




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Software Engineers on

by FrontMorale


A letter to DINK couple

Following wester consumerism blindly is the reason when most DINK couple decides not to have kids. The age old colonial term of "civilising the brown is white man's responsiblity". Let me burst this bubble of ever happy life and not having dependency of kids,they are not investment,etc etc. I wont highlight if its right or wrong here for it lots of post are there. I better highlight what will happen after next 20 30 years as I can learn from west(USA) lifestyle pattern. All these people have kept most of their money in *paper* assets like PF,Bank FD,stocks. Reason for highlighting the word paper will see. As the number of oldies will increase over youngsters. Govt will need more youngsters as economy is worked upon by them. No loan takers,no new consumers. What will happen stock prices will fall,same goes for bank interest ,in worst case you wont be ablw to withdraw your principal even(happening in australia, people have to inform why they are withdarwing cash to bankers). Next for pf: when ww contribute to PF we pay foe the payback of current retired generation or basically we are paying their debt. But due to lack of youngster no one will pay your debt so forget your PF as well. This is how your money bubble of Crores will vanish. There is a term debt to gdp ratio, ever heard? Its the debt taken by govt from future generations to develop current lifestyle. Hence still govt need people to sustain and payback that debt so they will allow illegal immigrants ( what you are seeing in USA and Europe in name of "multicultralism"). And you know what? These rowdy immigrants will fill your city and you will become second class citizen why cause its democracy and majority rules. Noone will protect you leave alone police actually there is no one "left" to protect you( read statements of Canadian police regarding car thefts you will find similarities). Still oldies are there so new experimentation on assisted suicides(Canada is leading the way in current timeframe).


News Discussion on

by AITookMyJob


Controversial: India will never overtake China or US

..unless either of the two mess up insanely bad We'll probably get to the #3 spot if things go well. But it seems impossible that we'll ever go beyond that. Internal reasons that are very hard to fix:- (1) Our population TFR fell below standard replacement rate in 2023. This means we will not be able to follow the same economic growth trajectory required to reach developed status before population stagnation or declination. This is not a death knell but definitely very VERY bad news. (2) Our blue-collar workforce skill levels are not only subpar but are slowly falling behind the world standards every year. Much of our youth aim to join government orgs like the Army or the Railways which train for the job later, not before. Despite a national shortage of skilled plumbers, electricians etc, our vocational training orgs have been unsuccessful in attracting people towards these careers as well as churning out skilled workers. (3) Our bureaucratic environment is extremely slow with pathetic turnaround times on initiatives. This is not government specific and has always been the case so it seems like this will always be. This is not even a problem unique to India as many other countries have been facing this too but it is still a factor that negatively impacts our growth massively. I wish it was just internal reasons but a large part of it also comes down to both China and US being aggressively great at ensuring their successes:- (1) Chinese manufacturing seems nearly impossible to overcome - not just for India but also for the US. Yes, we might win over some industries and companies like the US, Vietnam, Thailand etc. have been doing but the amount of autocratic control in China allows them to crush competition easily. Case in point - the recent tussle between India and China on solar manufacturing which China won by autocratically lowering their prices. (2) If de-dollarisation succeeds, it will benefit China the most because (contd. in comments)