Need a 0% commission upi payment gateway
I am currently managing an online business but all the 0 commission payment gateways have stopped onboarding (Paytm, cash free) My margins are thin but number of transactions are going to be a lot. Phonepe, razorpay take 1.8pc cut while I take 2.3pc cost of each transaction. It's like termite on my profit.
You will need
0. An Android device (host phone)
- UI automator
- An UPI app on the host phone that is a biz account (ex: bharatx)
- User attempts payment on your website/app, submits their UPI ID, you verify vpa using razorpay api in your backend
- Use UI automator with the host phone to use any UPI app to initiate payment request to your user. I tried using kiwi app.
- User sees the payment request notification on their phone, they make the payment.
- Use IFTTT to listen to notifications on your host phone, when you receive the notification, open UPI app using UI automator and read the transaction. Send the txn details to your backend and do whatever you want with the txn data.
- A host phone to be always online.
- UI automator learning curve
- Hard to scale, although can scale easily for 100k's of daily txns.
- 0 operating cost
It's easy to generate a dynamic QR code linked to you bank account and can be done for free using. However, the catch is that unless your website is hooked up to your account (access to banking api's) your customers won't get a transaction processed confirmation on their screen. Your account will be credited, theirs will be debited but this won't show up on your front end.
Actually it maybe possible. You can read your SMS credit and show transaction confirmation alert on your site. Lmk if you want this built for a one time fee.
Build your own gateway😅
Use BharatX