
Social media is ruining my mental health, but I can't seem to quit. Help?

I know social media is making me miserable. I'm constantly comparing myself to others, feeling inadequate, and wasting hours scrolling. But every time I try to delete my accounts, I cave within days.

Has anyone successfully quit social media? How did you do it?

5mo ago
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I quitted Instagram some 4 yrs ago. One of the best decisions. For a few days/weeks you will have a strong feeling of opening again (FOMO) but just try to watch something interesting on YT (maybe listen to music). At one point, you will not feel the urge.
But for that to happen, just delete it right away. Instead, call your friends once in a while to have a chat.


Replace it with something equally addictive but does not induce anxiety.

In my case I went off of twitter by installing UNO and sudoku in its place. From time to time I play RPG games on PC (not on mob) during the same time.

Since those are basic games which are engaging. I can switch them off with control in contrast to twitter.

You can take the first step by disabling all notifications on your device for social media.


One big factor is missing out on talking to friends and their updates. Memes and reels one can still see without installing insta.

Uninstall the apps and try to message/call friends when you feel like using insta. Even better to meet them in person if possible.


Totally agree 👍, if you want to succeed in life, get rid of those social media first, listen to some good music instead to freshen up your mind and play some online board games for your timepass...


Very difficult bro. In future, there will be startup in this sector to get people out of it with creative ways

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