Need advice in Marriage. Pls advice advice me !!
I am 31, unmarried. Working as software engineer.Had very very ugly breakup 5-6 years ago. Now recovered not entirely but good enough to mingle with people again.
In course if comming out of that i dont know for some reason developed an aversion towards marriage, kids, upbringing them etc in short got fedup with this mundane life.
Now am elder and i do have one brother pursuing ms in us.. Both my parents were highly educated, my father retired and mother still working in govt.
We are affluent family btw, and What ever proposals came i didn’t like the looks of women tbh. And whomever i liked they didn’t liked me. I look but fat but well builded but have terrible hairloss.
So i understand that for me proposals will always be in this kind of circle. Id rather live along and happy rather than marrying for the sake of marriage and that too avg or below avg looking women. hence I decided not to get married and conveyed to my parents as well. They were shocked and father stopped talking. They were having very high hopes on me and my marriage but i failed them, and top of these my father had 4 stents to heart couple of years ago. And u know these MF relatives they are like vultures.
Now i dont know how to com out of this, Is my decision correct? How can i convince my parents?Pls advice my mind is tearing into piece
Do you realise how much of a hypocrite you are? You are calling the women too avg or below avg but then you yourself have issues with how you look. If you want to demand something from someone, then first yourself be on that level.
When i say below avg its for me its subjective dear brother…. Will you marry a person from street foothpath even though she is very very good nature and god like heart?
No right?? As i say its subjective and its personal. Hairs is something which i do not have control over its genetic and its nature given. Am i wrong in choosing a beautiful girl? I am not demeaning any girls who is not looking great but my point is i do have certain taste and i have quoted that….
I think the problem lies in you buddy. You yourself not look in good shape right now and wanting a girl who looks top notch is not fair.
Second thing going after the looks is bad for long term all those who had a joyful relationship and probably valued the persons character more than how he/she looks
My advice would be to atleast talk to 2-3 girls who looks average just like you so both of you don't have a superiority complex and might have a better conversation with each other. Best of luck from my side
Thanks man!!!
Brother if u dont mind i have a question a genuine question, pls dont take it otherwise…. If your married/ have lover tell what makes you attracted to her in the very first place when u dont know anything about her/him. If u had arranged marriage, then pls tell me didn’t u look for the girl who is atleast descent looking? Again this is not an satirical question but i really need to know whether am on wrong side. For me brother again when i say beautiful it doesn’t mean actress or someone top of the town, its just descent looking women thats it nothing specific and not having looking for perfect body figure nothing thy sort if, just a normal descent looking women
If you look fat and have hairloss please work on yourself if you want the women you like to like you back. That’s the only way.
Go to the gym, do skincare, visit dermatologist for hair loss treatments (PRP, transplant etc) when you’ll be good looking, good looking women will come to you.
The other option is to work on yourself career as well, families will flock to you if you have good CTC.
It’s completely fair that you want to marry someone you are attracted, but whining and complaining while sitting on your lazy bum will do nothing. Work for it.
Ohhh god is there something wrong in the way i wrote the post ? Or its just that you are on wrong aide of understanding my post? Pls go read it again thats bot my question. My core question is completely different
Your current CTC ?
Even 25 year olds have that much ctc. You might have to compromise a little on the looks, or you can go to gym and take steroids to make yourself look better. But first you will have to lose weight then steroids will help.
Lol, beggars can't be choosers. Grow up before it's too late
May i know who is beggar here ? And in what context?
Well this explains your state of mind dear, Thank you for advising me
You can simply tell them that you will consider marriage if you find someone suitable. 31 is hardly any age to draw such strong lines. There are plenty of folks in 30s who are still unmarried, in fact I come across many unmarried girls too of 33-35 age group. That said, you should forget getting good looking girl, since hair loss is a huge deal breaker for girls I have observed. And obviously looks play a big role, no matter how much you earn or how well your family is, any job doing girl even of average look will decline the match.
If you want to go for good looking girl, your only chance is if you opt to go for barely educated, non-working girls. So it is your call. My suggestion is, keep looking out, in the hope that you meet someone nice, not from looks, but just from nature.
Also, drop the criteria of caste/horoscope etc (if it is there). That is one of the most stupidest reasons of delayed marriages I think.
If you have decided that you do not want to get marry then stick to it, at least you have clarity of thought which is good. These days people do not have clarity of what they want to do and then spoil other’s life as well. About the relationship with parents, you are their child so I guess slowly but with some time, they will understand your decision. Instead of getting married and then destroying 2 families and wasting someone’s time and effort, its better to stay single
Thanks man
It seems you may be in light depression & anxiety that you are still unaware of yourself. Check with some psychiatrist, but avoid to try their medicine at this stage.
Since you are 31, you still have a chance to change your thoughts.
- Go for a body checkup wrt Vit D, B12, iron level.
- Hit the Gym, go for sports
- Have a better diet plan
- Socialize. This is must
- Spirituality (This is must) and Yoga (especially breathing techniques, suryanamaskar, paschimottanasana, Padahastasana)
- Groom yourself
Was hair loss recently?
Thanks brother. No it started at the age of 20
One of my close friends, attracted to a beautiful girl, his parents have searched her through matrimonial site. She was beautiful, good looking and better than him. He was in Switzerland and earning 4lac per month in 2012. Because she was beautiful and he was rich they got married. She used to do tantrums in house chores bcz she was pampered child too. Somehow He manages to handle the situation by putting extra effort after office
When he was sent back to India and his package was 30 lpa in 2023. Now they are filing for divorce.
Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder. Don’t go for beauty, go for the girl you feel good with. Make friends and then find the girl.
Don’t worry its not too late yet. After few years, only good behaviour person you will cherish to live with, not with the once upon a time beautiful girl.
Think about it.
Why none of tou guys are focusing on my issue that i just got fed up with these marriages etc. and just focusing on that beauty part alone?
Look withino
You are no Brad Pitt or George Clooney himself so stop searching for Jeniffer Anniston As you mentioned , I would say search for soul mate who understands you better and someone who you think yes I want to spend my rest of life with her , Looks won't matter brother, my Friend got married to the hottest girl of our batch and year later they parted their ways !! Marriage is something jisko Har din Har Pal Nibhana Hota hai , if u get trapped with someone just because of looks and vo tumain Chain ki neend nahi Sone deta then boss , now a days you must be seeing cases on social Media !!! Good luck !
What the fuck wrong with all you guys i know people are idiots but never thought te idiocracy will be at this level…..
my question was how do i comeout of the situation that am in? Am sandwiched between parents/ and relatives on marriage and i sadi NO…… and i never asked for hot or sexy for fucking sake ……. I was just looking for descent women thats it nowhere i mentioned that i need sexiest body ir i need hottest girl fuck is wrong with you guys….. what ever the matches i was getting i dont feel like i can spend rest if ny life with them……
Barring 3-4 comments whic really got my question rest everyone is like idiots just focusing on something which isn’t my intention at all ….. i dont know whether u read my post or just comments on it and then u gave me ur advice