I always feel that women are like Carol Denvers in Captain Marvel, always suppressed in such a way that they themselves doesn't know about their full potential.
I have no answer to why this situation is prevailing or why it is happening. But what I think could have happened is that, they were having equal, if not more, prominence earlier and were expected to focus on self during certain circumstances (maybe child birth, periods, etc). Over time, this became tied on to religion/caste to instill fear, and enable them to do it. This further got worse from there leading to almost everything being male dominated (and they would try to have it that way everywhere). And it continues in the form of suppression/oppression, which continues to evolve.
I couldn't think of any other logical explanation as well - although this entire thing still lacks logic. I know a lot of people who believe that women are for sexually satisfying men, and for reproduction. I feel very bad for what's happening.
Fortunately, I understand that Men and women are equal (don't take it out of context). But I believe that women can get more done if they're determined. Let's hope that situation changes soon.