Not everything has to be about feminism, does it?
Literally read the title "Unpopular Opinion", that already means that female boss' are usually assumed to be more empathetic but OP has had a different experience with them. There are usually no opinions on male managers, some are good some are bad but female managers as he mentioned are generally assumed to be more empathetic and understanding(literally a positive trait in female leads that he mentioned).
And again, an "Opinion" means a statement he's making out his personal life, never did he mention that ALL FEMALE leaders are like that.
How do you do bias free statistics here by the way? He's had horrible experience with 80% of the female managers he's worked with, how would you like to remove the bias?
I do agree, a lot of posts and comments do get misogynistic here, but this isn't one of them.
You literally did not read a single line or try to comprehend a thing OP wrote yet you plugged in the basic few buzzwords like calling OP a misogynist which people love to use so casually.