Influencers life experience
I am not sure but how every influencers have faced everything in their life. From being yelled by professors in front of whole class to going on foreign trip for first time after they became an influencer.
And all influencers are from tier-3 college, and everyone think going to college is waste and everyone needs to do remote jobs and leetcode.
PS: also saw an influencers who wrote he traveled by train for first time in life in 2022 (his 4th year of college)

By their very existence, I hate “influencers”. The objective is to manipulate people enough to do some advertisements and repeat. Much like crypto influzas last year, we have leetcpde influenzas and I guess AI related influenzas are next

Doing leetcode might be good, because now a days company want DSA for all roles, but reality of working on live project is quite different.
Do dont use tree, DP in real life too often, there you need to be street smart and not DSA expert