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443 Votes

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Yes, there are other important factors to consider, but assume they are ceteris paribus (Looks, Hobbies, Habits, Kundli compatability, etc) x: Your salary (or salary of a male who was doing your job, you choose).

119 Votes

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I'm seeing a lot of random shitposts that get lot of comments and likes, supposedly written by females and genuine questions are left unanswered

87 Votes

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Seems like a fresh round of layoffs is happening, I've lost track of how many have happened

204 Votes

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What is your current CTC (excluding ESOPs)?

291 Votes

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Be Kind!
My profile: - in CS from Tier2 - 7 years of experience as Software engineer - Worked in startups, bigtech - TC ~ 90L I am good at my job, well respected among peers, and have consistently performed above expectations, but it feels like something is missing. Even after making decent money, I am not satisfied with what I’m doing in my life, unable to see how it will all add up in the long run. Anyone else feels the same? I’m contemplating hard what I should really be doing with my life. The ultimate goal is to start something of my own - but due to lack of ideas (and maybe intelligence, drive?), I’m looking at what options do I have with my career. Evaluating getting an MBA from top Indian/US B-schools. I think it will help me ‘restart’ afresh, help me make good connections, gain new perspective. However, I’m an introverted person, so its a big risk if I would really fit in into the MBA track. Would also mean leaving a 1 cr/year job on the table. Career wise, it is a good move? Would you recommend?

1.42K Votes

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Wordle 1,176 4/6 ⬜⬜⬜🟩🟩 ⬜🟨⬜🟩🟩 ⬜🟨🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 WordleBot Skill 84/99 Luck 61/99
1. Yeh Fitoor Mera (Fitoor starring Aditya Roy Kapoor) 2. Hasi Ban Gaye Amazing songs!!
When I was in my last year of high school I started watching the Naruto series. This one the darkest time in my life. I was an average student doing my computer science course in a Govt school. All of the family members excluding my mom and teachers in my school label me as a failure. I don't have good scores in exams like my cousins and how much I try I always make silly mistakes and lose some points in exams. I started to think that I was a failure at that time. One of my friends suggested this series and has been a failure student and lost interest in studies. Naruto was the series that gave me the push I needed it made me feel like a failure like me can be successful if I put in constant effort and have the resolve to do it. For me, Naruto, the Might guy changed my life. I didn't get a good score on the final year exam of high school but I didn't lose myself and still put in the effort. And yeah finally all these efforts started to show up in my college years. Today I am earning more than my dad or any of my cousins or uncles and everyone looks up to me as a genius kid. I don't have hatred toward any of my family members and teachers because now I realize they didn't know the world. I still watch Naruto when ever I lose motivation to go forward.
- Slikk, a GenZ-focused 60-minute clothes delivery app, has secured $300K in a pre-seed round led by Better Capital and Untitled Ventures. - The funds will help Slikk scale to over 100 brands, set up a large-format dark store, and expand delivery coverage to 70% of Bengaluru's pincodes. - The startup plans to expand to other metropolitan cities in India and broaden its offerings to include beauty, personal care, and home decor. - Led by Akshay Gulati, Slikk delivers fresh styles daily, allowing users to explore the latest trends frequently. - Market research indicates the Indian apparel market will reach $105.50 billion by 2024, with the fast fashion segment growing significantly. Source: [Entrackr]()

512 Votes

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I am a 27M and earn 7 LPA from a mechanical engineering background, which I know is very low compared to today's standards. Software and MBA guys are earning significantly more. In today’s world, money is important if you want to travel or live comfortably. By switching companies or pursuing an executive MBA, I believe I can reach a decent level in the future. One thing I’ve observed is that in dating, girls don't seem to care much about how much you earn. But when it comes to marriage, the financial aspect becomes more important. Which isn’t wrong at all. Of course, I’m not generalizing, and I know there are women who don’t prioritize money. Also, it’s true that ambitious people often look for equally ambitious partners. What are your views on this? I’d especially like to know from girls.
Got this on the Watercooler thread, found it cute won't delete
- Safe Superintelligence (SSI), co-founded by Ilya Sutskever, has secured $1 billion in funding. - The funds will be used to acquire computing power and hire top talent. - SSI is valued at $5 billion and has 10 employees split between Palo Alto and Tel Aviv. - Investors include Andreessen Horowitz, Sequoia Capital, and DST Global. - Sutskever aims to develop safe AI systems that surpass human capabilities. Source: [Reuters]()
How and what can we do to curb this?
The band is finally back to performing live, and may be releasing new music. Emily Armstrong is taking over the lead vocalist role in the band. What are your thoughts, given the legacy of the band and the tragic death of Chester Bennigton?


So this hiring manager tells me "I only hire people who are 110% committed to the job" mid-yawn. Big one… like you could see his molars, his cavities, his fillings, his tonsils, caught a glimpse of last week’s lunch stuck in there somewhere, and I swear for the first time in my life I witnessed someones soul leaving the body. Anyways .. so I’m nodding like I am not distracted with all that and I care, and he starts scribbling his requirements for the position. I kid you not - 5 words, max. Couldn’t even tell you what he wrote. I’m thinking "Okay, maybe the guy’s a minimalist. Keep it simple. Right???". He then gets up, picks his bags and leaves the office. It was 4 PM. Should I ask him - Dude - where’s your 110%? PS: He’s got a team of 11… maybe he’s taking the 10% from each of them to make up for his 0%. Thoughts?
Asking because I've been sleeping for ~10 hours everyday for a while now and want to see if I'm the only one.

133 Votes

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When selecting images (≖_≖ )
Hello good people of Grapevine. It’s a nice Friday. Weather in Bangalore is tip top. And I’m looking forward to a quiet, peaceful weekend, without any ragers or work calls 😊 Dump your thoughts from the week, things you are looking forward to, and anything in the middle here in this thread 👇🏻 Eager to hear.
Marketing 101 by Zomato to stay on top of PR We need GV dark mode as well on newsapaper, it was released way before.
- The Harris campaign is using overstimulation ads to capture the attention of a very online audience with short attention spans. - These ads feature split-screen videos, with the top half showing campaign content and the bottom half displaying unrelated, visually stimulating footage. - Examples include a Harris speech clip paired with colorful 3D animations or gameplay footage. - The campaign has spent a few hundred dollars on these ads, which have been viewed tens of thousands of times on platforms like YouTube and Meta. - Despite mimicking viral social media formats, these ads have not gone massively viral and seem to target Gen Z and the terminally online. Source: [404media]()
I will go first just for the kicks .. and I know my battery is dying 😂 🤦‍♂️

708 Votes

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Mr. India rated amongst Time 100 AI influencers. The fundamental question is - Why?? 🧐🧐
We spent $310k trying to find product/market fit (PMF), but unfortunately, we were unsuccessful as there was no revenue. Now we don't have anything left. What should we do now?

32 Votes

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Profile- 4 YOE, from old IIT I started looking for new roles towards the end of June, and it took me approximately two months to get an offer letter. My skillset in a niche technical area helped me to get this offer. My advice to folks looking for a job, focus on your strengths and do not get discouraged. It's brutal out there, but you need only one job. Stay focused.
I’ll start, 
 I am proud of going to the gym every day this week. 
 I’ve never been a gym person, but it’s something I’ve always wanted to start at some point. Committing to it and sticking with it this week feels like a huge personal victory. I just hope that I can continue for one more week and then another week after that and hopefully start enjoying it and form a habit. Lets goooo!!💪🏼
Saw the Lalbaugcha Raja reveal video today - full feels! I never meant to leave Delhi. It was home - comfortable, familiar, safe. But life had other plans. A series of events I can barely remember now landed me in Mumbai for college. Scared shitless doesn't even begin to cover how I felt that first day. Those first few weeks were a blur of homesickness and culture shock. The constant noise, the crush of people, the relentless pace - it was overwhelming. I'd call home every night, trying to hide the tremor in my voice. But then, something shifted. Maybe it was the first time I successfully navigated the local trains without getting lost. Or the night my roommates and I stayed up till dawn, sharing stories and dreams. Suddenly, I wasn't just surviving - I was living. Mumbai stripped me bare and rebuilt me. I learned to cook (sort of), to budget (badly at first), to stand up for myself. I made friends from corners of India I'd never even heard of before. Their stories, their struggles, their dreams - it all became a part of me. The city's energy was infectious. I found myself doing things I'd never imagined. Volunteering at a shelter. Interning at a tiny startup. Trying my hand at photography. Failing, learning, trying again. There were tough times, god knows. Nights when the loneliness felt crushing. Days when I wondered if I'd made a horrible mistake. But each challenge made me stronger, more resilient. And the people - the people of Mumbai showed me kindness I never expected. My local friend’s mom who'd slip me home-cooked meals. The classmate who spent hours helping me prep for an exam. The stranger who shared their umbrella during my first monsoon downpour outside CST. What amazed me was how Mumbai had something for everyone, regardless of their budget. I had just 5k a month for all expenses beyond hostel rent, yet I managed to party, watch movies, and hit bars. We'd hunt for the cheapest vada pavs at 1 am, find bars with dirt-cheap beer, and sneak into college fests for free entertainment. Every month was a thrilling balance between having fun and making ends meet. Years later, in my first job earning over 1L a month, I realized the city scales with you. Suddenly, there were fancier restaurants to try, better areas to live in, more experiences to splurge on. Yet, surprisingly, it still didn't feel like enough. Mumbai always had one more adventure to offer, one more hidden gem to discover. Looking back now, I realize those three years in Mumbai shaped me more than the 18 before it. It taught me independence, yes, but also interdependence. It showed me that family isn't just about blood - it's about the connections you make, the community you build. To anyone considering the leap - do it. It's terrifying and exhilarating and absolutely worth it. You'll cry, you'll laugh, you'll grow in ways you can't imagine. Delhi will always be where I'm from. But Mumbai? Mumbai is where I found myself. And for that, I'll always carry a piece of this beautiful, chaotic city in my heart. And you know what? This isn't just about Mumbai or Delhi. It's about taking that leap, about stepping out of your comfort zone. It's about learning to stand on your own feet, about discovering who you really are when no one's watching. So wherever you're from, wherever you're going - take that step. The world is waiting, and trust me, you're ready for it. Now that we're all working professionals, I can't help but want to push our younger cousins, siblings, or any 18-year-old I meet to take this leap. If I had one piece of advice for a school kid just turning 18, it would be this: Choose the path that scares you a little. The growth you'll experience is worth every moment of doubt and discomfort.
I'm a 26-30 F at IIM Calcutta, and it seems like a lot of my classmates are already in relationships. It's a cliché that you might find your partner in B-school, but seeing others dating makes me anxious. In my first year, I was all about academics, which turned out to be tougher than I thought. Now, I'm gearing up for placements, which should be my main focus (luckily, I have some interviews lined up!). But I can't shake the feeling that time is slipping away, and I get FOMO watching friends having fun and meeting new people. I know it's a privilege to be in an MBA program, especially at IIM Calcutta, but there's this nagging feeling that I'm missing out on the social side. Plus, I wonder if it's worth dating when people might move away for jobs after graduation. Do people use dating apps while in the MBA program here? I tried apps like Hinge and Bumble but didn't see many fellow students. With all this, how do people date post-MBA in big cities? I'm not into dating apps or the bar scene. How do you meet new people?

13 Votes

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- Zepto has teased a new feature called 'Zepto Postpaid' on its app, inviting users to join a waitlist for exclusive early access. - The feature will offer interest-free repayments of up to INR 5,000, according to limited information available. - This announcement follows Zepto's recent $340 Mn funding round led by General Catalyst, raising its valuation to $5 Bn. - Zepto's move into BNPL comes months after partnering with Simpl for one-tap checkout on its Zepto Pass membership. - The quick commerce space is heating up with competitors like Blinkit and Swiggy Instamart, as Zepto aims to double its dark store count by March 2025. Source: [Inc42]()